Tales of High Adventure: Metagaming and why it's not all bad
Metagaming is the perceived scourge of modern roleplaying, right up there with other things that do not exist but we think they do because we have names for them, like "balance" or "canon". I have just one thing to say, although it may take quite a few words to say it. But it basically boils down to: there are several kinds of metagaming and not all are bad, although some definitely are. Oh and if you are a Game Master and don't like metagaming, there are ways for you to curtail it, and one of the best ways to do it is so meta. Ok, so that's definitely more than one thing I have to say, but it all falls under one label: Learn to roll with metagaming. This is a part of a bigger (meta?) framework which can be summarized as: learn your role as a Game Master. Know what you bring to the group and remember that you are a part of a group and that acting with that knowledge in mind will bring the best out of the players which will in return enrich your game. So lea...